Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Festival

This past Saturday was the Summer Festival presented by ARC.
The event started at 2pm but I didn't get around until a little after 4pm, no surprise there.

I was planning to wear Lion Sheryl because I figured July should be really hot!
I was so wrong...
In the end, when I woke up-- it was cold and raining outside.
So I decided to wear something layered or fully covered.
I was thinking of wearing Wako but in the end, I thought I'd try wearing my Kyoko cosplay from last year's AX that I never wore out.
I did wear my Wako wig for it though... it was a bit too yellow in my opinion but it still worked.

It was so embarassing so to wear such a flashy costume so I tried my best to make it as cool as possible.
...I figured if I rolled up the sleeves I'd look cooler, hahaha~ orz
It was alright. I had to borrow my mother's sneakers since I don't own a pair of white sneakers.

I was happy to be able to see all my friends again, was nice since it had been a while.
We didn't really do much and honestly, the event itself was rather boring >A<
The only good part about it was Rai's performance which was awesome!
She has a really beautiful voice ;A;
...it was my first time seeing her perform actually~ hehe
Really envious =3= My voice is nasally-sounding and weird XD"


Heather and her friend, Colleen killed some time by drawing pictures as Ashirogi Muto.
In the end, I wasn't able to get my drawing done until dinner time =u="

Here's a camwhore shot of me in my Kyoko cosplay~ the only picture I have xD"
I kind of want to do a proper photoshoot for it but it's so embarassing to wear it out in public...
I think I have an idea of where I could go though. I'll think about it, hahaha~

Soon after Rai's performance, we all decided to head over to Red Robin's nearby for dinner.
It was nice on my part meeting new people who also love cosplay!
We had seriously interesting/serious conversations but I love that aspect.

While waiting for our food, I got my picture drawn from all the way across the table by Colleen and Heather!
It's pretty~ do I look similar? 8DDDD
Kinda? Maybe? No?
hahaha |||Orz

Anyways, after dinner was time to go home!
Since we were basically borderline of 2 cities I'm extremely unfamiliar with, I got a bit lost trying to drive home. T__T"
I didn't have my GPS with me so I counted on my iPhone's map... I didn't know which direction I head to head over to until I started moving around.
So many U-turns, it sucked big time D= I hate driving alone too!
I feel like every time I go out with my cosplay friends, they challenge me to drive to new places all the time cause I'm always getting lost xDDD

Anyways, it's all good!
I made it back home eventually after heading through North, West, East and South-- haha
Can't wait for more adventures this Saturday at Cos & Effect~

Oh yeah-- if you wonder what I did after Saturday, nothing really. Life?
Work on Sunday and today was chill day!
I did a bit of shopping and got my package from when I ordered it in mid-June *__*
I was so worried it was lost in the mail but luckily, it was just delayed because of the postal strike that happened recently.

What did I get? Just eyelashes and eyedrops.

Let me say one thing.
The Rohto Lychee eye drop for contacts is absolutely amazinggggg!
If you haven't tried japanese eyedrops before, it's worth giving it a shot.
They're totally different from American eye drops you find at your local drugstore.
But I guess Rohto also sells an American version of their eyedrops.
The lychee one is different though.

Hard to explain but I can actually feel a lychee scent to the eyedrops.
I don't know how and I probably sound really stupid now but it's nice and cooling!
I usually use it if my eyes feel irritated with the contacts in...
Yeah, give it a try if you ever have the chance! =)

That's about all I can say for now~
Until then``


Saturday, July 09, 2011

Anime Expo weekend

Flew into Los Angeles a couple days before Anime Expo this year as I was going to have to leave on July 3rd to get back in time for summer school (which sadly, didn't work out~)

I stayed in the Orange County before Anime Expo and mostly spent it hanging out with Bryan, Daiji and Kohei. We'd mostly just go eat or hang around Lollicup late at night in Diamond Jamboree. It was fun!

Got to Los Angeles to check-in for our hotel and stuff on pre-reg day, the 30th and ended up not doing much... just went to Ralph's to grab late lunch/early dinner and walked around to location scout I think?

DAY 1: 

First day was kinda boring but I met up with Miju and his boyfriend, Monkey~ it was nice just to hangout with them since I missed them a lot!

and yes... that's Ricky photobombing us in the back, lol~ we were waiting for Daiji to get off work so we hung around the con doing nothing and thus, camwhoring ensued.

In the end, Daiji didn't join us for dinner since we got back to the hotel kind of late with the shuttles taking forever and so on. We taxi'd to Little Tokyo to Honda-ya for dinner.

I just ordered salmon carpaccio and ice-cream (really? I thought I had something else too...) and Monkey treated me as an early bday present ^^ It was yummy though the ice cream wasn't as concentrated as I'd like my green tea to be~

Mm...we wanted to go sing karaoke at Max afterwards but they were full so we just decided to go home. I got dropped off at my hotel and just slept like crazyyyy.

(Photo courtesy to John Gomez)

DAY 2:

We worked for Toshio Furukawa during his autograph signing in the dealer's room. It was my turn to sell his product and at first, I was super confused since I wasn't explained properly about how the sales worked. @___@" In the end, things worked out and it was fun! Killed time, haha~

We had lunch at Wolfgang Puck's after because we were all getting hungry~ the service wasn't very good though and Miju said he doesn't want to go again, ever :( lol

I didn't wear my sakanachan wig until late afternoon (~6pm) because I wanted to work more "professionally looking" that day. So while we chilled in the hotel room with blasted A/C, I got my hair cut by Miju and my wig fixed!

After that, Miju and Monkey went to the photoshoot for my sakanachan cosplay~ Mike helped me do a shoot and we got kicked out of the pool after a bit for being professional xD"

We left to eat dinner with Miho and her friends in Koreatown at Kyochon. It was nice to see her again since it had been a while n__n Kohei met up with us a bit late and Daiji couldn't make it. When we finished, Kohei dropped Miju and Monkey home then we headed back to AX area for some drinking fun times in Mike's room at the JW Marriott. Met a lot of friendly cool people there~ was great!

Kohei and I had to leave soon after because Daiji was getting hungry and he wanted to meet up. So we ended up going to Denny's where I was tired and a bit moody =_= Didn't eat anything so just sat around and got back to Westin (our hotel room) lateeee evening. Slept like the dead!

DAY 3:
I flew out on the 3rd day of AX and didn't have the time to stop by to say my good-byes sadly. Kohei and Daiji dropped me off and I received a lovely birthday present from Kohei. He got me a set of "Lola", one of the perfume lines by Marc Jacob.

Overall, I wasn't having the craziest of fun times this year but I did meet a lot of peope and make new friends so that was probably the biggest highlight. Not to mention just spending time with my favourite friends♥ I really want to go back again before the end of this summer. Not sure if it's quite possible but I'd really like to! So I'm trying to make more money and see if I can do something about it in late August. Hope it'll all work out.

Thanks for reading :)