Saturday, October 08, 2011

Los Angeles to Vancouver

Unfortunatly, I haven't blogged in a while since I've been quite busy with school and life.
Just this past weekend, I actually went to Los Angeles but I'll write about that later.
Mmm... pretty much my life is just going to school and when I am free, I go hangout with friends.
A couple weeks ago, I went over to Kaworu's for her birthday party and watched the boys play Catherine~


I also went to some wedding trade show too~
big thanks to Jun from Kunio Photography for helping me out with that!

So about last week, I fly down to Los Angeles for my cousin's wedding reception.
Unfortunatly, I only got to go for 2.5 days so I tried to make the best out of every moment!
I was able to see my lovely friends so I'm happy about that!
Now onto the pictures~

Arriving at Los Angeles, my father and I went to go pick up the rental car.
So we waited for the shuttle to come by so that we can be driven there (as it's kinda far away).
After we picked up the car, my dad dropped me off at the LACMA so that I could go and see the Tim Burton exhibit.

I couldn't take any pictures of exhibit pieces so here's the beginning and end of it :D


The exhibit was alright.
I guess I wasn't as crazy about his art as I thought.
I was able to still draw out some sketches in my Fashionary though~ hoping to use it in future designs.
I really liked the way his style looked on the fabric manipulations though. It was cool!

By the time I look at the whole exhibit, it started to rain...
it rained in the weirdest way too.
It felt like someone was taking a gardening hose and just decided to put it on heavy watering cause the water was chunky?
It wasn't like a drizzle. They were fat water drops!
Since we were outside at this time, we took cover and chatted about where to go next.

I had to take a picture with the infamous lamp posts from LACMA though.
I would love to see this in person!
It's my dream photoshoot location for a Gundam-00 photoshoot x3
I don't know why... but I think a Setsuna x Marina one would look so romantic!
(Yes, that is my favourite pairing in 00)

After LACMA, I got to check out the "new" Vivienne Westwood store on Melrose.
It was alright? My first time walking into one!
...I touched some of the evening dresses.
Not sure if they were from the haute couture stuff but it seemed like it.
Pretty satisfied with that. HAHAHA!!

Visited Chrome Hearts... then we went to eat ramen in Torrance.
Sang karaoke in the kotatsu room at Max! hehehe~

Met up with Miju, Steph and Monkey for some late night dinner in Korea Town.
I got a hazelnut latte and a seafood linguine.
It was delicious!


This is what I got at Marukai 8D
Melliesh lip gloss, a summer edition of the Hadanomy mist and Diamond Lash.

Errr... got dropped off back at home and slept like the dead!
Woke up in the morning and went for brunch with family.

We ate in Pasadena. I actually wanted to try the Melting Pot but they didn't open till 5PM.
What the heck? >__>"
So we just went to whatever was next to it.


It was a beautiful sunny day, unlike Vancouver where I was sure it was raining.
I got to walk around Old Town Pasadena for a bit too :D

It was actually the day of the wedding reception so it was rather hectic.
I got back to the hotel to change and redo makeup.
Dressed up my pops! It was fun :D

Daiji and Kohei came to pick me up from the restauraunt and we went to go meet Miju at Round One.
Unfortunatly he couldn't go in so we ended up going to Guppy's nearby.
We wanted to go take purikura :< Next time I guess!

For the last day, I drove to Santa Monica and pretty much that was it.
Went to LAX after that to fly home that evening.
I was sad that my weekend came to an end so quickly!
I had so much fun seeing everyone~
I can't wait to go back in like... 2.5 months!
I just have to endure the rest of this school semester first. >A<

Stuff I bought from the Sanrio store 8D

As for today, I got to meet up with David.
I tried curling my hair with the awesome curler Miju got me.
Yeah... I totally burned my palm~ hehehe
Oh well. It's fine now!
Pretty happy with the results but I think if I had to do that everyday in the morning, I wouldn't.
Since I'm slow, it's rather time consuming as I have to individually curl each portion by hand.
I'll post a picture/review or something of the curler later.

Before meeting up with David, I picked up my order from Karen's house.
I actually forgot I was driving to her house and ended up going to the mall...
but then I backtracked. Yep.
It was annoying driving back to the mall though.
I was practically road raging because people are stupid!
Or just people with too much attitude.

Anyways! I ranted enough about it to David so the world doesn't need to know XD
I took purikura with David and then we went to go eat a late lunch nearby the mall.
Drove him back to his car after that and lingered around the mall some more~
I totally ended up buying 2 faux fur coats... and a sweater.
I was thinking I wouldn't buy anything too! Oh well D:
It's nice!

I wanted to eat dinner at this point but didn't wanna eat alone so Elle invited me to go eat with her and her friend.
I met up with Elle only to drop off a present I picked up in LA at first but she thought it'd be fine :3
Happy she invited me.
I didn't grab dinner though-- I ended up getting bubble tea and a sweet crepe.
Speaking of which-- where did I put the bubble tea? LOL
I'm gonna have to go check after this post ~__~"

After that, we parted ways and I went home.
Was getting tired at this point.

Left picture is one of the faux fur coats plus sweater.
Dresses on the right are from the order Karen did us.


Wigs~ it's my Miaka and Karakuri Burst Rin wig.
Ao no Exorcist patches as well.

Uhh... I didn't take a picture of the Coastal Scents order that David brought up for me.
I will do that after I resolve a certain issue.
...but here are the dresses worn :D


I think the dresses are cute! I'm really happy with them~
I'll probably order more sometime in the future.
The quality isn't too bad.
I guess cotton is cotton but it's not a super thin cotton which is good!
For the white dress, it feels more like layers of voile than a cotton broadcloth.
So it's great~ I think voile is better quality than broadcloth... ^^"

Anyways. That's it for now!
I'm going to bed-- goodnight~